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How To Get Bluebirds To Stay In Your Yard – The Secrets To Attracting Bluebirds!

If you are looking for the perfect natural way to help control insects and pests in your garden and flowerbeds this year, you need to not only attract bluebirds to your landscape – but get them to stay and live in your yard all season long! Bluebirds certainly are a treat to see flying about. …

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The Best Deer Resistant Bushes To Plant – 5 Bushes Deer Will Leave Alone!

One of the best ways to keep deer from damaging your landscape is to simply grow what they don’t like to eat – and there is no better place to start than by planting deer resistant shrubs and bushes! Deer can be extremely destructive to flowerbeds, gardens and anywhere they can find vegetation to their …

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How To Keep Mice Out Of Cars, Campers & Stored Equipment In The Winter

Looking for a few easy ways to keep mice out of your stored cars, mowers, campers and other equipment in the winter? Not only can mice make an incredible mess when they build their nests, they can also cause serious damage. Mice will use anything and everything to create their homes. And when they decide …

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How To Keep Fall Bulbs From Being Dug Up By Squirrels And Chipmunks!

Looking for a few tips and tricks to keep your fall bulbs safe from being dug up and ruined by hungry squirrels, chipmunks, mice, and other pests? Fall is the perfect time of year to get your favorite bulbs in the ground. Unfortunately, it’s also the time of year when squirrels and other ground dwelling …

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How To Keep Spiders Out This Fall – 5 Great Natural Ways To Deter Spiders!

Looking for a few great ways to keep spiders out of your home this fall and beyond – all without having to resort to harsh chemicals and sprays? As the weather starts to cool down and the leaves begin to dry and fall, you aren’t the only one trying to stay warm and cozy. Spiders …

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How To Prevent Mice From Getting In Your Garage & Shed This Fall & Winter

Looking for a few simple but extremely effective tips to prevent and keep mice out of your garage and shed this fall and winter? All without having to use nasty traps or dangerous poisons? No one likes to hear or see the quick scurrying of a tiny mouse running through their garage or shed. Not …

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How To Make Homemade Tick Spray – Keep Ticks Away!

If you are looking for a safe alternative for keeping ticks away from you and your property, today’s article on how to make your very own homemade tick spray is the perfect solution! Not only do all of homemade sprays featured today avoid using harsh chemicals, they are also safe for pets and people alike. …

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How To Stop Squash Bugs – Before They Ruin Your Plants!

Looking for ways to stop squash bugs from taking over your garden plants? The pesky insects can cause devastating results to your plants in no time at all – and all but ruin a harvest! Contrary to what the name says, squash bugs affect more than just your squash plants. In fact, in addition to …

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How To Get Rid Of Whiteflies In Your Vegetable Garden

Looking for a few natural and highly effective ways to get rid of whiteflies to keep them from ruining your vegetable garden this year?  Whiteflies might be tiny, but they can cause devastating damage to your vegetable plants in no time at all. These sap-sucking, disease-causing winged insects will ruin the foliage of vegetable plants …

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How To Use Cinnamon To Repel Pests In Gardens & Flowerbeds

Did you know that you can use cinnamon to repel a wide range of pests, disease and other ailments in your garden and flowerbeds? There are so many different commercial pest repellents, sprays and insecticide granules available on the market today. In fact, so many that it can often be overwhelming to figure out which …

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