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How To Change The Color Of Hydrangeas With Fertilizer!

Did you know that you can actually change the color of hydrangea blooms just by using different fertilizers and soil additives? Hydrangeas are one of the most stunning flowering perennials available. With their lush green foliage and vibrant blooms that range in color from blue, pink, purple, green, and white, they are a common staple …

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How To Make & Use Hot Pepper Spray – Protect Plants From Insect & Animal Damage Naturally!

If you are looking for an all-natural way to protect vegetable plants, flowers, and even bushes and shrubs from all kinds of animal and insect damage – then it’s time to start making and using your own homemade hot pepper spray! Not only is hot pepper spray easy to make using simple ingredients, it’s also …

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How To Fertilize Rose Bushes – The Secret To Getting Roses To Flower Bigger & Better!

One of the best ways to keep your rose bushes healthy and strong and produce a heavy supply of gorgeous flowers throughout the season is to fertilize them at just the right time – and with just the right set of nutrients! Rose bushes are what are considered to be heavy feeders as plants. This …

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What To Do With Tulips After They Bloom – The Secret For Knowing When To Cut Back!

If there is one beautiful flower that helps to signify the beginning of a new growing season, it’s tulips – but did you know that what you do with them after they bloom can make a huge difference in how they flower next year. Or if they flower at all?  It’s no secret that tulips …

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How To Fertilize Hydrangeas In Spring – Get Bigger Blooms Than Ever This Year!

Looking for a few key tips to fertilize your hydrangeas this spring for bigger blooms than ever this year? One of the easiest and best ways to get your hydrangeas to grow and bloom stronger than ever is to give them the fertilizer they need – just when they need it! Hydrangeas are one of …

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How To Fertilize Daylilies In Early Spring – Get Your Daylilies To Bloom Big This Year!

Did you know that early spring is the absolute best time to fertilize your daylilies – and that with one simple application, you can help your plants produce bigger and better blooms than ever this year? Daylilies are one of the most popular of all perennial plants for home gardeners. Not only are they easy …

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How To Get Your Peonies To Flower Big This Year – And Every Year After!

Looking for a few tips and tricks for how to get your peonies to bloom and flower big every single spring – year after year? Peonies can produce an incredible flush of bright, vibrant blooms in the spring or early summer. The flowering perennial is usually one of the first bushes to fill with color. …

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How To Plant Daffodils Before Winter – The Secret To Early Spring Flowers!

If you are looking for a great way to add early spring color to your landscape, then late fall is the time to plant daffodils before the cold of winter arrives! Daffodils are one of the hardiest and earliest spring-blooming flowers around. Their beautiful trumpet-shaped blooms burst forth to announce the end of winter – …

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How To Grow Torch Lily – The Drought Tolerant Perennial With Stunning Blooms!

If you are looking to grow a stand-out perennial flower with eye-dropping beauty and the ability to draw in a wide range of pollinators – then look no further than the amazing torch lily. Also known as red hot pokers, torch lily is a herbaceous perennial that features tall flowering spikes for blooms that look …

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How To Grow Vinca – The Perfect Drought & Heat Resistant Flowering Annual!

If you want a plant that can really take the heat of summer and still provide you with beautiful foliage and limitless blooms, then you need to grow vinca. Not only is it incredible for adding lasting summer color to your flowerbeds, it’s perfect for hanging baskets and containers too! Vinca, often known as periwinkle, …

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