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How & Why To Replant Zucchini In The Summer – With Seeds!

Did you know that it is possible to replant zucchini in the summer – all by using seeds? Not only is it easy to do, but it often results in plants that are far healthier and much more productive than those planted in the spring. Zucchini is a wonderful crop to grow in many home …

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How To Protect Rose Bushes From Japanese Beetles

Are you looking for a few simple and safe ways to protect your rose bushes from the devastating damage Japanese beetles can bring? It happens like clockwork – around the end of June and early July, Japanese beetles start to seemingly appear out of nowhere. Before you know it, what starts out as just a …

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How To Stop Cabbage Worms – Keep Your Vegetable Plants Safe!

Are you looking for a few safe and effective methods to stop cabbage worms from ruining your leafy garden crops? Contrary to their name, cabbage worms can wreak havoc on all sorts of garden crops. Broccoli, cauliflower, spinach and other leafy greens are all easy targets for these tiny but very destructive pests.  Unfortunately, once …

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How To Stop Slugs Fast – 4 Secrets To Get Rid Of Slugs From Gardens & Flowerbeds!

Looking for a few quick and simple methods to stop slugs quickly – and get rid of them from your garden and flowerbeds for good? Although slugs can be an issue at any point of the growing season, they are most active in early to late spring when the weather tends to be wetter and …

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How To Get Rid Of Ticks With Neem Oil – Keep Your Yard Safe From Ticks!

If you are looking for a simple, safe and highly effective solution to get rid of the dangerous ticks in your lawn and landscape – all while keeping your pets and family safe from questionable pesticides – then neem oil is for you! Ticks are becoming more and more of a nuisance with each passing …

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How To Make & Use Hot Pepper Spray – Protect Plants From Insect & Animal Damage Naturally!

If you are looking for an all-natural way to protect vegetable plants, flowers, and even bushes and shrubs from all kinds of animal and insect damage – then it’s time to start making and using your own homemade hot pepper spray! Not only is hot pepper spray easy to make using simple ingredients, it’s also …

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4 Simple Secrets To Keep Rabbits Out Of Your Flowerbeds & Garden – For Good!

Looking for a few simple and effective tips and tricks to keep hungry rabbits out of your flowerbeds and garden this year – and keep them out for good? Rabbits can wreak havoc on garden plants and vegetables. Contrary to popular belief, rabbits like to munch on a lot more than just carrots. They actually …

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How To Eliminate Ground Moles For Good This Spring – Naturally!

Looking to finally eliminate those pesky and destructive ground moles from your lawn, garden and flowerbeds this spring – and keep them out for good? Ground moles can be one of the most invasive of all pests. Not only does their tunneling destroy lawns in a flash, it can also damage the root structures of …

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How To Keep Insects Off Your Hostas This Year – 4 Simple Tricks To Keep Hostas Safe!

Looking for a few simple tricks to keep insects off of your hostas this year – and keep their foliage big, bright and beautiful all spring, summer and fall long? As beautiful as hostas can be in the landscape, if there is one painful drawback to growing them, it’s trying to keep slugs, beetles, aphids …

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How To Attract Bats With Bat Houses – Control Pests Naturally With Help From Bats!

If you are looking for a simple way to help control and keep insect and pest populations in check in your backyard – maybe it’s time to consider installing a bat house to attract one of nature’s most veracious insect eaters around – bats! Bats are actually one of the most beneficial mammals when it …

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