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How To Make Compost Tea Fertilizer – And Use It To Power Vegetables & Flowers Naturally!

One of the easiest, best and least expensive ways to power your vegetable and flower plants is to make your own compost tea fertilizer. Not only can it be made without any special equipment, if you happen to have your own compost pile, it can also be made completely for free! Compost tea is made …

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How To Mulch Tomato Plants – 3 Simple Secrets To Give Your Tomatoes The Perfect Mulch!

Did you know that one of the best ways to get your tomato plants to grow healthy and strong – and produce a big crop of tomatoes is to simply mulch them as soon as you plant with the right combination of mulch? It’s true! Mulching your tomato plants in just the right way can …

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How To Build The Perfect Spring Compost Pile – 4 Simple Secrets To Make Compost Fast!

Looking for a few simple tips and tricks to build the perfect spring compost pile that can heat up quick – and make compost faster than ever? One of the best ways to improve the plants growing in your vegetable garden and flowerbeds is to use compost everywhere you can. In planting holes, as a …

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How To Save Coffee Grounds – And Use Them To Fertilize Your Vegetables & Flowers This Summer!

Did you know that by saving your spent coffee grounds now, you can use them this spring and summer to help naturally power your garden and flowerbeds. Not only that, but you can use them to energize hanging baskets, perennial plants, and houseplants too!  Coffee grounds are an amazing natural resource that can be used …

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How To Make Incredible Seed Starting Soil – With 5 Simple Ingredients!

The best way to grow incredible vegetable and flower transplants from seed is by starting with incredibly rich and fertile soil – and there is no better way to do that than by taking the time to make your own seed starting soil right at home! Not only is making your own seed starting soil …

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Saving Egg Shells & Coffee Grounds – And How To Use Them To Power Plants & Soil For Free!

Did you know that saving your egg shells and used coffee grounds is one of the best ways to easily power your garden and flowerbeds next spring and summer? And even better – all for free! Many might think of egg shells and coffee grounds as just a simple byproduct of a morning breakfast. But …

Read More about Saving Egg Shells & Coffee Grounds – And How To Use Them To Power Plants & Soil For Free!

How To Use Cardboard In A Garden – Stop Weeds For Good And Build Better Soil!

If you are looking for a simple, easy and effective way to help stop weeds and the endless chore of weeding in your vegetable garden – it’s time to start using cardboard to your advantage. Not only is it a great way to repurpose and recycle this all too plentiful resource – it’s also usually …

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How To Recycle Coffee Grounds In The Winter – 4 Great Ways To Use Coffee Grounds During Winter!

Looking for a way to recycle and use all of those coffee grounds coming from your coffee maker this winter? When it comes to recharging soil and helping plants grow better, it’s hard to beat the value coffee grounds have – especially when you consider they are a free byproduct from simply making a delicious …

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How To Make Leaf Mold – And Use It To Create Amazing Soil!

If you are looking for the perfect way to re-energize your garden and flowerbed soil this fall – and use up all of those falling leaves coming down from the trees – then you need to make leaf mold. Not only is it easy to make, it can power your soil and plants like crazy …

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How To Compost Leaves – Avoiding The Most Common Mistakes When Composting Leaves!

Looking to avoid some of the most common mistakes and pitfalls gardeners make when composting their leaves? Composting all of those falling leaves in the autumn months is certainly a great way to clean up your lawn, flowerbeds and landscape before winter arrives. And, a perfect way to create loads of powerful compost in time …

Read More about How To Compost Leaves – Avoiding The Most Common Mistakes When Composting Leaves!