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8 Simple Garden Tools & Gadgets Every Gardener Should Own

This week’s podcast and corresponding article are all about 8 simple garden tools and gadgets that every gardener should own. Gardening doesn’t have to be expensive or hard work, but some basic, inexpensive tools can definitely help make the job much easier!  You don’t have to spend a ton of money on gadgets like rototillers …

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Succession Planting – How To Get The Most From Your Garden Space!

This week’s podcast and corresponding article are all about succession planting in your vegetable garden – or more importantly, how to get the most out of your garden space! Succession planting is a great way to extend your growing season beyond one planting and one harvest each season. No matter where you are located, you …

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How To Fertilize Your Vegetable Garden – Simple Secrets That Work! 

This week’s podcast and corresponding article are all about how to fertilize your vegetable garden. With these simple tips and secrets, your vegetable plants will be growing nice and strong all season long and providing you with an amazing harvest! Whether you are growing your plants in containers or directly in the soil, how, when, …

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How To Prune Tomato Plants – The Secret To Productive Tomato Plants!

This week’s podcast and corresponding article are about how and why to prune your tomato plants. Believe it or not – pruning is one of the best things you can do for your tomatoes to ensure healthy plants and a bigger and better harvest. Tomato plants are one of the most beloved vegetable plants of …

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How To Fertilize Tomato Plants For Success! The Simple Secrets To A Big Harvest

This week’s podcast and corresponding article are all about how to best fertilize your tomato plants, including when to fertilize, how often, and a look at some of the best fertilizing methods to use. Tomatoes are big feeders from the soil. Not only are they heavy feeders of nitrogen, but they also require potassium, phosphorous, …

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The Amazing Benefits of Growing Marigolds In Your Garden & Flowerbeds

This week’s podcast and corresponding article are all about the mighty marigold, and the amazing benefits growing marigolds can bring to your garden and flowerbeds. It is not often that we dedicate an entire podcast or article to the benefits of a single plant. But when it comes to all that growing marigolds can do …

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Seven Big Planting Day Secrets – How To Plant Your Garden For Success!

This week’s podcast and corresponding article cover seven big planting day secrets that can help get your garden off to an incredible start – and have you on the way to an amazing harvest this year! What you do prior to and during planting day will affect the health and growth of your garden more …

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How To Harden Off Plants – Why Hardening Off Is A Must For Young Transplants!

This week’s podcast and corresponding article are about how to harden off your vegetable and flower plants, and why it is so important to do so for gardening success! So what exactly does it mean to harden off vegetable plants? Whether you grow vegetable and flower plants from seed, or purchase flats from a nursery, it …

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Growing Vegetables In Straw Bales – How To Grow Vegetables Anywhere!

This week’s how-to garden article and corresponding podcast cover the interesting and fun subject of growing vegetables in straw bales. Whether you are limited on garden space, time, or looking for an “easier-on-the back and muscles” way to grow a few vegetables, straw bale gardening can fit the bill. You can listen in below to …

Read More about Growing Vegetables In Straw Bales – How To Grow Vegetables Anywhere!

How To Make Container Plants From Perennials – Add Beauty & Charm, For Free!

This week’s how-to garden article and corresponding podcast are all about using perennials to make stunning container plants!  When it comes to containers, hanging baskets, and potted plants, most people usually think of using annual plants. While flowers such as begonias, impatiens, and petunias all make perfect annual choices for container growing, they can certainly …

Read More about How To Make Container Plants From Perennials – Add Beauty & Charm, For Free!