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How & Why To Replant Zucchini In The Summer – With Seeds!

Did you know that it is possible to replant zucchini in the summer – all by using seeds? Not only is it easy to do, but it often results in plants that are far healthier and much more productive than those planted in the spring. Zucchini is a wonderful crop to grow in many home …

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How To Plant A Garden In The Summer For A Big Fall Harvest

When you plant a garden during the summer, you can extend your harvest long into the cooler fall months. Not only is it easy to start new plants during this time, but it is also inexpensive and way more successful than you might think!   There is so much focus and emphasis on getting seeds and …

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Replanting Cucumbers – How To Plant Cucumber Seeds In The Summer For A Big Fall Harvest!

Did you know that planting cucumber seeds in the middle summer is one of the easiest, fastest and best ways to grow your biggest crop of cucumbers ever? Not only will replanting seeds in the middle of the garden season allow you to enjoy fresh cucumbers well into late fall, summer planted cucumber plants actually …

Read More about Replanting Cucumbers – How To Plant Cucumber Seeds In The Summer For A Big Fall Harvest!