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How To Fertilize Houseplants With Worm Castings – The Perfect Way To Power Your Plants!

Did you know that one of the best ways to fertilize your houseplants is with all natural worm castings? Worm castings have become one of the best go-to soil additives when planting everything from vegetable plants in the garden to annual flowers in containers, hanging baskets and flowerbeds. But they also happen to be incredible …

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How To Fertilize Flowers With Compost Tea – Grow More Blooms – Naturally!

Compost tea is one of the best ways to fertilize your flowers – not only giving you amazing plants with incredible blooms, but doing so naturally. Even better, it can be extremely inexpensive to make. In fact, if you have your own compost pile, you can make it for free! Compost tea is a power-packed …

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How To Keep Impatiens Flowering – The Secret To Fertilizing Impatiens!

When it comes to adding gorgeous color to the shadier locations of your home and landscape, it doesn’t get much better than growing impatiens – especially when you can keep them flowering big and strong all summer long with the right dose of fertilizer! Impatiens produce hundreds of small blooms and can be found in …

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Hole Composting – How To Compost Without A Compost Bin

When you don’t have the space, resources or time to deal with traditional composting methods, hole composting is the perfect alternative! With traditional composting, you need a dedicated space on your property that is usually at least a few feet wide in all directions. That can be a lot of real estate when you are …

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5 Things To Avoid Composting From Your Garden and Flowerbeds

Composting is one of the best things you can do to improve your garden soil, but there are a few things to avoid composting from your garden and flowerbeds.  It’s no secret that plants can quickly deplete your raised bed and garden soil. As plants grow, they use many nutrients and organic matter within the …

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How To Make Compost For A Great Garden – Inexpensively & Easily!

This week’s how-to garden article and corresponding podcast are all about how to make incredible compost to help grow a great garden! As plants grow throughout the year, they quickly deplete the nutrients within the soil. Over time, the soil is less likely to be able to provide everything the plants need. This will result …

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Make Amazing Compost From Fall Decorations – Utilizing Natural Items

Fall is one of the most popular times to decorate your outdoor space with once live plants and products. But did you know that those fall decorations can be used to create an amazing compost pile?  Many people enjoy decorating their front porches and entryways with seasonal fall items. Products such as pumpkins, corn stalks, …

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