Hit the play button below to listen to this weeks episode : How To Keep Your Flowerbeds Weed Free All Summer Long. Below you will also find our show notes along with references and links from the article. Be sure to check out all of our past episodes on the website at SIMPLE LIFE GARDEN EPISODES
- The Simple Secrets To Weed Free Flowerbeds
- The Hori-Hori – The Perfect Weeding Tool!
- The Homi Garden Tool
- How To Divide Perennials And Fill Your Flowerbeds For Free!
How To Keep Your Flowerbeds Weed Free All Summer Long
Flowerbeds can seem overwhelming
When and what to mulch with
Keep out unsightly weeds
Weeds hurt perennials/annuals – steal nutrients, harbor pests & disease
Doesn’t have to be difficult – in fact, some folks work too hard and create more weeds in the process.
Spring Chores
Remove weeds / roots and all – one time big chore – do it early! Before seed heads form on early weed crops.
Don’t rake that mulch! – stirring / raking up mulch is one of the biggest mistakes gardeners make
Replants weed seeds laying dormant on top
Don’t till or overdig your beds spaces – like the garden, tilling causes more harm than good
Mulch early keep bare spots to a minimum
Avoid landscape fabric – more problems that solutions
Best Mulches To Use
Avoid cypress / be careful of stone / rock around plants
Shredded Hardwood – single/ double – not ultra fine
Colored mulches – organic dies, but not a big fan
Pine bark / hardwood bark – long lasting, less maintenance, won’t disappear

Spring transplanting
Spring is a great time to divide oversized plants from your beds and replant them to fill the space. Not only more attractive, but free with your own plants. In fact, you can create an entire bed full of transplants for free!
Fill Your Flower Beds With Perennials
Perennials act like a living mulch
Not only do they conserve moisture, but they also prevent weed seeds from finding a home.
Mid Summer Care
Do not stir mulch to freshen it up
Apply mulch on top to freshen up, not re-mulch everything.
When planting, keep planting holes to a minimum size. Use buckets to keep dirt away from mulch
5 minutes a day goes a long way! 5 not the same as 7 days and 35 minutes.
Keep bird feeders out of mulching areas – big issues with birds spreading weeds and squirrels, etc.
Fall Care
Remove spent foliage – do not allow to overwinter.
Also keeps wildlife from heading into the space too much!
Thicken up the mulch if needed – again not stirring.
Fall is the perfect time for transplanting, use a holding bed for extra plants.
Cover in-danger plants with extra mulch.
Remove weeds / mulch early – don’t allow to form seed heads
Remember not to stir the mulch – select a quality mulch
Don’t till / disturb the beds as little as possible
Pack those beds with plants!
5 minutes a day in the summer, not only easy, but keeps work to a minimum
Top off mulch – don’t freshen it up with a stir
Remove spent fall foliage to prepare for winter
Top off mulch levels.