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How To Protect Rose Bushes From Japanese Beetles

Are you looking for a few simple and safe ways to protect your rose bushes from the devastating damage Japanese beetles can bring? It happens like clockwork – around the end of June and early July, Japanese beetles start to seemingly appear out of nowhere. Before you know it, what starts out as just a …

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How To Stop Cabbage Worms – Keep Your Vegetable Plants Safe!

Are you looking for a few safe and effective methods to stop cabbage worms from ruining your leafy garden crops? Contrary to their name, cabbage worms can wreak havoc on all sorts of garden crops. Broccoli, cauliflower, spinach and other leafy greens are all easy targets for these tiny but very destructive pests.  Unfortunately, once …

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How To Keep Spiders Out This Fall – 5 Great Natural Ways To Deter Spiders!

Looking for a few great ways to keep spiders out of your home this fall and beyond – all without having to resort to harsh chemicals and sprays? As the weather starts to cool down and the leaves begin to dry and fall, you aren’t the only one trying to stay warm and cozy. Spiders …

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How To Prevent Mice From Getting In Your Garage & Shed This Fall & Winter

Looking for a few simple but extremely effective tips to prevent and keep mice out of your garage and shed this fall and winter? All without having to use nasty traps or dangerous poisons? No one likes to hear or see the quick scurrying of a tiny mouse running through their garage or shed. Not …

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How To Get Rid Of Whiteflies In Your Vegetable Garden

Looking for a few natural and highly effective ways to get rid of whiteflies to keep them from ruining your vegetable garden this year?  Whiteflies might be tiny, but they can cause devastating damage to your vegetable plants in no time at all. These sap-sucking, disease-causing winged insects will ruin the foliage of vegetable plants …

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How To Use Cinnamon To Repel Pests In Gardens & Flowerbeds

Did you know that you can use cinnamon to repel a wide range of pests, disease and other ailments in your garden and flowerbeds? There are so many different commercial pest repellents, sprays and insecticide granules available on the market today. In fact, so many that it can often be overwhelming to figure out which …

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How To Keep Aphids Out Of Your Garden – Without Using Chemicals!

Looking for a few all-natural, effective methods to keep aphids out of your garden – and from wreaking havoc on your vegetable plants this year? If there is one pest that brings fear to many a gardener, it’s aphids! One thing is for sure, the tiny, quick-multiplying insects can be hard to stop once they …

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5 Great Ways Chickens Can Help Your Vegetable Garden Grow Better!

There’s no doubt that getting daily fresh eggs is a great benefit of having a backyard flock, but did you know there are a whole host of ways that chickens can help your vegetable garden too? The popularity of raising backyard chickens has grown substantially in the last few years. It seems like between all …

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How To Stop Ground Moles Naturally – Keeping Moles Out!

Is there a natural way to stop ground moles from ruining your yard and garden space?  Moles actually aren’t herbivores at all but are in fact insectivores. So how can they cause so much damage to lawns and the plants growing in them if they aren’t actually eating the plants?  While they don’t actually consume …

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How To Protect Plants From Grasshoppers – Naturally!

Looking for safe and effective ways to protect your plants from grasshoppers? Grasshoppers are herbivores that feed on the leaves, foliage, fruit, and stems of plants as well as grasses. They prefer a terrain that is warm, dry, and full of low-lying plants and grasses – making your garden space the perfect target. They typically …

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