One of the best ways to help birds survive the cold and frigid temperatures of winter is by feeding them – but did you know you can do it with ease – all without having to use traditional bird feeders?
Without a doubt, winter can be tough on birds that stick around. Not only do non-migrating birds face the cold, snow, and ice that winter can bring, they have to do so when food sources are at a minimum.
In the spring, summer and fall, there are plenty of dining opportunities for birds with all of the available insects, berries, seeds and more. But when winter arrives, almost all of those disappear in short order. That, of course, is exactly where feeding them in the winter can truly be a lifeline for their survival. But for many, filling bird feeders in the middle of winter can be tough!

Let’s face it, trudging through snow and ice to fill feeders can be a difficult task. Especially for those with mobility issues or who happen to live in locations where winters can be brutal. In addition, feeders often freeze up, making it difficult to keep them clean and in working order.
But just because using feeders can be difficult – it doesn’t mean you still can’t help out your feathered friends with food. As it turns out, when the weather hits hard, there are actually 3 quick and easy ways to still feed them – and keep yourself safe from the elements too!
3 Easy Ways To Feed Birds In The Winter – Without A Bird Feeder!
#1 Ground Feeding
One of the easiest and most effective ways to attract and support birds during the winter months is with ground feeding. Especially when the weather turns so bad out that you can barely get out the door!
As it turns out, there are quite a few bird species that prefer to feed on the ground. To name just a few, cardinals, blue jays, juncos, sparrows, chickadees, morning doves, blackbirds, thrushes and finches will all happily feed from the ground.
Ground feeding in winter not only helps birds survive the season but also provides an excellent opportunity for bird watching. That’s because you can ground feed right outside of windows or doors to bring birds closer than ever. And that closeness makes feeding them easier on you too!

When ground feeding, always start by searching for a safe and accessible area. Look for a flat spot that is sheltered from harsh winds and predators. Under a tree, near shrubs, or against a building are all ideal locations, as these spots provide some cover and protection.
How To Best Ground Feed – 3 Easy Ways To Feed Birds In Winter Without A Bird Feeder
It’s best to make sure the feeding area is visible to you – but still offers birds a sense of safety. It’s also a good idea to clear snow from the area to create a clear space where the food can stay without the feed sinking down into the snow.
When selecting food for ground-feeding birds in the winter, opt for high-energy options that can sustain them during cold weather. Black oil sunflower seeds are a favorite among many birds due to their high fat content and easy-to-crack shells. Affiliate Link: Black Oil Sunflower Seeds
Millet, cracked corn, and nyjer seeds also work very well when ground feeding. If available, dried fruit like raisins or currants and unsalted peanuts are also great for attracting a variety of species. When feeding any seed, always scatter the food in small piles or a thin layer to prevent overcrowding. It also allows multiple birds to feed comfortably.
If snow or ice is falling regularly, you can even put a shallow dish or pan on the ground to keep the food safe. This makes cleaning easier and prevents food from becoming soggy or moldy.
Listen In To Our Podcast Below On Feeding Birds In The Winter
#2 Suet Cakes & Balls – 3 Easy Ways To Feed Birds In Winter Without A Bird Feeder
Although it can be difficult to fill bird feeders with seed in the winter, suet cakes and suet balls offer a much easier way to keep birds supplied with food without battling the elements quite as much.
Bird feeders often freeze up and ice over – but a simple suet cage or sock can be hung anywhere – or even placed on an outdoor picnic table, stump or other elevated device. And instead of having to mess with seeds and clean up – refilling is as easy as replacing the suet ball or cake! Affiliate Product Link: Suet Plus Variety Suet Cake 6 Pack of Suet Cakes for Wild Birds
The good news is that suet is actually one of the best foods of all to feed birds in winter. They contain high-energy ingredients (like animal fat) that helps birds more easily endure the cold.
Suet is particularly appealing to insect-eating birds that struggle to find their natural food sources during this season. Because of that, woodpeckers, nuthatches, chickadees and blue jays are known to flock to suet feeders. The high-fat content provides the calories they need to maintain their body heat in frigid temperatures.
Suet cakes and balls can be purchased at most local home supply stores or found online. They can also be easily made at home from simple ingredients often found right in your pantry! See our article: How To Make Bird Suet – The Perfect Recipe To Feed Birds In The Winter!

#3 Peanut Butter Seeded Pine Cones – 3 Easy Ways To Feed Birds In Winter Without A Bird Feeder
Last but not least, one of the most economical and easy homemade ways to still give birds food in the winter is to fill pine cones with nuts, seeds, fruit – and peanut butter!
Peanut butter, much like suet, contains a high fat value that is perfect for providing birds quick energy. And with its sticky nature, it holds well to pine cones. And all of those nooks on an open pine cone, there is plenty of space to put feed.
By simply taking pine cones and slathering them in a bit of peanut butter and then rolling them in bird seed – they create instant feeders you can hang anywhere. Or, you can even place them on the ground right outside.
Birds will flock to these instant treats – and they are so easy to make and use! Here is to keeping the birds in your backyard alive and thriving this winter. Even when Mother Nature makes it hard to fill your bird feeders safely!
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