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The Best Way To Prune & Divide Ornamental Grass – The Secret To Cutting Back!

Looking for the best way to prune back and divide the ornamental grass clumps in your landscape? And when to do it?

Late winter and early spring are the time to get your ornamental grasses in shape and ready for the growing season. Not only will a little work now help to keep your grasses manageable, it can also create all kinds of new grass transplants to use all over your landscape.

Ornamental grass varieties are a great addition to any landscape. They have wonderful color and texture, and bring interest the whole year round. Especially when left in tact through late fall and early winter.

when to prune back ornamental grasses
By late winter, ornamental grasses can begin to look quite weary in the landscape. But by simply cutting them back and dividing any overgrown clumps, you can have them looking great by late spring with ease!

Ornamental Grass Care – Why & How To Prune & Divide Early!

Although you can cut back grasses in the fall, leaving them up through the winter is actually a great idea. It not only adds interest, but also provides valuable protection for birds and animals struggling to make it through the harsh winter cold. The grasses make for great nesting materials for birds as well – and can even serve as a bit of a wind and snow break too.

But by the time late winter / early spring rolls around, the long winter can certainly have them looking a bit tattered and frayed.

As soon as your ground thaws and the weather is warm enough to warrant being outside, you can head out to cut your grasses back. A cold snap or a hard freeze will not kill plants in the least as they are extremely hardy.

Getting to them early in the year before spring hits in full force can be quite advantageous. For one, it gets them ready to grow fast. But it also allows you to get ahead of the game before mowing, planting and garden season hits full on.

Although you can burn grasses back at this point without harming them, it can be extremely dangerous to nearby structures and plants. It is also illegal in many a locations to open burn, and if it spreads, it can cause a lot of damage in quick fashion. With that in mind, it’s far safer to simply cut them back – and it couldn’t be easier to do!

prune back and divide ornamental grass
This ornamental grass clump is ready to grow! By cutting back early, you allow the new blades to quickly take over.

How To Prune – The Best Tool For Cutting Grasses Back

Grasses can be cut back all the way to ground level, but for most varieties it’s better to leave a bit of the old growth in place. Not only will it keep a bit of interest in the landscape, it also provides protection for roots, and helps anchor new shoots in the spring.

For small mounding grasses, cut the stand back to a few inches. For larger grasses that grow three or more feet, leave four to six inches remaining.

So how do you make quick work of the chore? The answer is with a batter powered pair of electric hedge shears! Powered hedge trimmer can slice through grass clumps quickly and with little effort. And make hours of hand cutting finished in mere minutes! Affiliate Link: VIVOSUN 20″ Cordless Hedge Trimmer, 20V Electric Bush Trimmer

If you have more than just one or two grass clumps, it really is the way to go. For small mounding grasses, a good pair of hedge shears still works wonders. The longer blades of the shears get under the low mounds easily to cut away the top. Affiliate Link: OARA Garden Hedge Shears

And if you happen to have exceptionally large, thick stranded grasses? Believe it or not, a chainsaw works wonders!

Battery powered hedge shears are the way to go for cutting down ornamental grasses. They cut fast – with no worry of cutting cords!

Dividing Oversized Ornamental Grass Clumps – After You Prune

So what if your grass clumps have become a bit large and unruly? Mature plants sometimes require a bit of extra maintenance to keep them looking good. And that is where dividing your plants every so often comes into play.

Dividing large clumps helps keep plants healthy for years. It is also a great way to create free new plants for your landscape.

Ornamental grass clumps grow from the inside out. That means new growth is always be on the outside ring of the plant. After a few years, you may notice the middle area beginning to die off.  When this happens, it is time to dig your plant up to prune the dead portions out.

On average, ornamental grasses need to be dug out every three to five years to keep them well maintained. They can certainly go longer, but it becomes a more difficult chore.

splitting perennials
Cut existing starts from your main clump, removing the center portion.

Creating New Plants

When digging up to trim out dead growth, or to create new transplants – start by digging up the entire ball of grass. Begin by digging out the entire root ball of the clump. If it is too large, it can be dug out in sections.

Remove and discard the “dead” center portion to the compost pile. Only utilize sections of the newer, outer growth area for replanting. Not only do the outer edges have younger root sections, they are also easier to work with.

You can create quite a few new starts from an old clump. A sharp shovel or the reciprocating saw makes quick work of splitting them up. An axe also works great for large plants with very thick roots. The larger the slice of roots, the larger your first year plant will be.

Planting transplants couldn’t be easier. Simply dig a hole for each new clump and cover around with soil. Simply replant wherever needed and as spring warms, the plants will shoot up new growth. In fact, they do not require any additional soil amending or fertilizers at all.

Listen In To Our Podcast Below On Cutting Back Ornamental Grasses

Grasses truly are low maintenance, and just one more reason they are so good to have in your landscape. You will be surprised how many “new” plants you can start from an old clump!

If you are looking for more great late winter / early spring gardening tips, check out our article: How To Get Your Raised Beds Ready For Spring Planting – Now!

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