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6 Plants To Keep Away From Tomatoes – How To Keep Your Tomato Plants Healthy & Safe!

Did you know that there are several vegetable plants and herbs that you should always keep far away from where you grow your tomatoes? It’s true! There are actually quite a few plants that can harm your tomatoes if they are planted to grow nearby. Thankfully, by simply locating these far away from your beloved …

Read More about 6 Plants To Keep Away From Tomatoes – How To Keep Your Tomato Plants Healthy & Safe!

Planting Basil With Tomatoes – How Basil Makes Tomato Plants Better When They Grow Together!

One of the best ways to grow healthier and more productive tomato plants is to companion plant basil with your tomatoes. In fact, not only can it help you to a bigger harvest, but an even tastier one too! So what exactly is companion planting? In a nutshell, companion planting is the art of growing …

Read More about Planting Basil With Tomatoes – How Basil Makes Tomato Plants Better When They Grow Together!

3 Sisters Companion Planting – The Ultimate Garden Planting Combination!

When it comes to getting the most out of your garden space and allowing crops to work naturally together, it doesn’t get any better than using the 3 sisters companion planting method to grow sweet corn, beans and squash/zucchini! This growing method was mastered hundreds of years back by Native American tribes, and it allowed …

Read More about 3 Sisters Companion Planting – The Ultimate Garden Planting Combination!

The Many Amazing Benefits Of Growing Dill – From Pickles To Pollinators!

When people think of “dill,” they most likely think of a type of pickle – but when you include growing dill in your garden, there are many more benefits that go way beyond turning your cucumbers into a delicious treat! Dill is actually a leafy vegetable and in the same plant family as celery (Apiaceae). …

Read More about The Many Amazing Benefits Of Growing Dill – From Pickles To Pollinators!