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How To Create Stunning Planters This Year With Ornamental Peppers!

If you are looking to create a few incredibly unique and stunning planters for your patio or deck – that also happen to be extremely low maintenance and pest proof – you need to try your hand at growing ornamental peppers!

Ornamental peppers really are the perfect choice for flower pots. Not only do they add intense beauty with their vibrant colors, they are also incredibly easy to grow, drought-resistant, and pest-resistant. And perhaps best of all – long lasting!

How long lasting? With just the most minimal of care, ornamental peppers can thrive from spring all the way through summer and deep into late into fall. In fact – all the way until your first hard frost!

pots with ornamental peppers
Ornamental peppers come in all sizes and shades of vibrant colors. And with their compact growth and pepper blooms that all but cover the plant, they can fill containers with massive beauty!

Creating Stunning Planters With Ornamental Peppers

Why Ornamental Peppers Are Perfect For Flower Pots

So why are ornamental peppers a near perfect choice for container gardening? Actually, there are a whole slew of reasons to grow ornamental peppers in pots – starting with the fact that they are so unique compared to all of the usual annual flower choices.

It’s simply hard to beat the way ornamental pepper plants bloom. They don’t just produce “flowers” that bloom and last for just a few weeks. Instead, the individual pepper “blooms” can last for months. With more constantly coming on all season long.

But the benefits of growing these annuals go far beyond their intense beauty. Their small, bushy growth habit makes them perfect for containers, window boxes, or even hanging baskets. And unlike many other flowering plants, ornamental peppers are rarely bothered by insects, animals or disease. Even deer don’t like their foliage or spicy pepper taste!

But ornamental peppers are also very drought and heat tolerant. They handle dry conditions very well, making them ideal for gardeners who forget to water now and then.

Even More Reasons To Love Ornamental Peppers

Even better, ornamental peppers don’t require a lot of maintenance to grow and thrive. In fact, beyond watering and a dose of fertilizer every few weeks, you can simply sit back and enjoy their gorgeous looks. They don’t even require constant deadheading like most other annuals either!

ornamental peppers for stunning containers
When it comes to varieties to grow – sangria ornamental peppers are hard to beat! The pepper plant is quite compact, but fills with hundreds of colorful peppers that all turn purple in late fall.

But perhaps best of all, many ornamental peppers are actually edible and quite tasty. They are perfect for adding a bit of spice to salsa, sauces, salads and more!

So what varieties are best for container planting? There are actually quite a few to select from, and below are a few of our top favorites to grow in your containers and pots this year

The Best Ornamental Pepper Varieties To Grow To Create Stunning Planters

Sangria Peppers

Sangria peppers are one of the most popular of all choices for flower pots. Their bright purple, orange, and red peppers appear at different stages, creating a multi-colored effect.

Sangria peppers grow in a compact, bushy shape and can thrive in small to medium-sized containers. Although you can often find them in local nurseries, you can also grow them quite easily from seed. Affiliate Seed Link: Sangria Ornamental Pepper Seeds

The Sangria variety is purely for show – as the peppers have very little flavor and zero heat. But can this plant ever produce hundred and hundreds of peppers and light up your containers with big color!

The seed are also quite easy to save. And as an heirloom ornamental pepper plant, they will grow exactly the same with each passing year to keep your containers just as stunning!

Chili-Chili Peppers

Want lots of colorful peppers and plenty of heat? Then Chili-Chili (sometimes called Chilly-Chili) ornamental peppers are the way to go! This variety produces an abundance of slender, upright peppers that start out green and turn red.

The plant itself has a full, bushy growth, making it an excellent choice for colorful container arrangements. The plant fill hundreds of tiny peppers that add big color to pots and containers.

This is another popular plant that many local greenhouses will carry – but it can also be grown easily from seed. Affiliate Link: Chili Chili Ornamental Pepper Garden Seeds

colorful annuals
Chili-chili peppers fill with a mass of color from late spring all the way to fall.

Masquerade Ornamental Hot Chili Peppers

These peppers are a showstopper with their multi-colored fruit that changes all kinds of colorful hues. Another compact growing plant, Masquerade the actual peppers are a bit bigger than Chili-Chili and Sangria. Affiliate Seed Link: Masquerade Ornamental Hot Pepper Seeds

Medusa Peppers

Medusa peppers have twisting, curly peppers that change from pale yellow to orange and finally red. They are compact and look stunning in small pots or mixed containers. Affiliate Seed Link: Medusa Edible Ornamental Pepper Seeds

How To Plant Ornamental Peppers For Stunning Planters

Planting ornamental peppers in pots is about as easy as it gets. The important thing is to always select pots with good drainage. Pepper plants do not well if they have to sit in excess water.

Make sure the pot is at least 8-12 inches deep to allow room for good root growth. Ornamental peppers do best in fertile well-draining soil potting soil. Use a high-quality potting mix with added perlite to help excess water drain out. See our article: How To Make The Best Potting Soil Mix Around.

potted ornamental peppers - stunning containers
It’s hard to beat the color and beauty of ornamental peppers!

Caring For Ornamental Peppers In Containers

Once your ornamental peppers are planted, they need just a little attention to keep them looking stunning in their containers. Ornamental peppers need at least six hours of sunlight a day – eight or more is even better.

Water deeply but allow the soil to dry slightly between waterings. Ornamental pepper plants grow like traditional peppers and do not like constantly wet soil, so avoid overwatering. Usually, in the hot summer months, you will need to water once or twice a week, depending on the weather.

Fertilizing is important and will keep pepper plants producing plenty of bright peppers. It’s best to fertilize every two weeks with a liquid fertilizer that is higher in phosphorous and potassium. Avoid high-nitrogen fertilizers, as they encourage leafy growth over fruit production.

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