One of the most important things you can do for your tomato plants in the summer is to fertilize them with the right mix of nutrients to not only power strong, healthy growth – but also an abundance of blooms and fruit!
Tomato plants require a tremendous amount of nutrients to grow and produce. But their need for those nutrients change as they grow from seedlings to mature plants.
In their early stages of growth, tomato plants need energy to develop deep roots, thick branches and healthy foliage. But once they fill out, they require an entirely different set of ingredients to produce blooms and tomatoes. And by simply giving them exactly what they need and when they need it – you can all but ensure a big harvest!

What Tomatoes Need – How To Fertilize Tomatoes In The Summer
So what do tomato plants need to be fed to be productive? Along with a long list of micro nutrients and minerals, what tomato plants need most are ample amounts of the big three – nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium.
But it’s the amount of those three vital energy sources – and when and how they are fed to your plants that really matter most. Especially when it comes to getting your tomatoes to really produce a big, tasty crop.
With powering your tomato plants to a massive harvest in mind – here is a look at what and how you should be feeding your tomato plants in the summer!
How To Fertilize Tomato Plants In The Summer
One of the most important nutrients of all for tomato plants early in their development is nitrogen. Nitrogen is vital for powering pure growth. That includes stems, leaves and branches – and a large root system.
Nitrogen is the same nutrient responsible for greening up your grass and getting your flowers to grow big with lush, dark green foliage. That is exactly why for the first 8 or so weeks of a tomato plant’s life, it’s important to feed them a heavier dose of nitrogen.

But when summer rolls around and it’s time for your plant to start producing blooms and eventually tomatoes – too much nitrogen can actually be detrimental to your tomato plants. Why? Because it can cause them only to grow bigger. And even worse, at the expense of growing flowers and fruit!
What Tomato Plants Need In The Summer – How To Fertilize Tomatoes
When it comes to feeding your tomatoes in the summer, it’s all about giving them phosphorous and potassium. And a lot of it!
Phosphorous and potassium are the key nutrients tomato plants need for producing blooms. Phosphorous is vital for helping plants set blooms and fruit. Without it, tomato plants will struggle to flower. It also plays a critical role in helping develop young fruit as well.
So where does potassium fit in? Potassium is key for helping tomatoes to develop their sweetness. In addition to driving their sugar levels, it also helps tomatoes ripen as well. And if that wasn’t enough, potassium also plays a role in the storage life for tomatoes too.

It’s pretty easy to see why feeding your plants a steady diet of phosphorous and potassium in the summer is so important. But as you will see next, how and when you feed them is the real key to success!
The Best Way To Fertilize Tomato Plants In The Summer
First and foremost, when fertilizing in the summer, it’s best to use a liquid fertilizer. Liquid fertilizers work fast, absorbing both through the roots and foliage of tomato plants. This is key to help keep your plants stay charged up for production.
As for what to use, select a fertilizer that has at least two time the amount of phosphorous and potassium to nitrogen. And if they contain trace nutrients such as iron and calcium – even better! These are also huge in helping plants to stay strong and produce better. Affiliate Fertilizer Link: Tomato Booster Fertilizer (32oz) – 3:8:7 Ratio Fortified with Humic Acid, Iron and Calcium
The next big secret to success is the timing of your applications. It’s far better to feed your tomato plants consistently with a lighter dose than a few big doses far apart. This keeps the energy flowing for constant flower production.
Aim to fertilize your tomato plants every seven to ten days with a diluted dose of fertilizer. A good rule of thumb is to dilute the recommended dose in half. This allows you to feed more often without the worry of overpowering plants.

Pick Those Tomatoes! – How To Fertilize Tomatoes In The Summer
In addition to fertilizing, there are a couple of other key tasks that can make a huge difference in your tomato plants productivity. One of the biggest of all of those tasks is to pick your plants regularly.
When tomato plants become overloaded with fruit, they will slow down bloom production. They do this to conserve energy and concentrate on ripening the fruit. But by picking regularly, you can prevent this from occurring.
Fortunately, tomatoes can be picked before they are fully ripe. In fact, it’s actually best for them to be picked early. Not only can it keep insects and pests from damaging your harvest, it also can prevent them from splitting and cracking. See our article: How To Keep Tomatoes From Splitting & Cracking – Keep Your Harvest Safe!
You can pick a tomato from your plant as soon as it starts to turn from green to a light rose or pinkish hue. This is called blushing, and once it occurs, the tomatoes will ripen off the vine just as quickly as on it.

To ripen off the vine, choose a location that is not in direct sun. Finding a spot with a light breeze is even better. Then, simply lay the tomatoes out on a wire rack and let them ripen. Your tomatoes will ripen without worry – and your tomato plants can keep on producing more than ever!
Here is to fertilizing your tomato plants to perfection this summer. And even more – to a big, bountiful harvest of juicy tomatoes!
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