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How To Start Vegetable Plants Indoors From Seeds – The 5 Secrets To Success!

Want to start your own vegetable plants indoors this year from seed but worried that the process might be too complicated and expensive? Well, here is some great news – it’s easier and less expensive than you could ever imagine! It’s incredibly rewarding to start your own vegetable plants from seeds. Not only do you …

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How To Prevent Blossom End Rot – 2 Simple Secrets To Keep Your Tomatoes Safe!

Looking for a simple solution to prevent the tomatoes on your tomato plants from developing blossom end rot this year – and ruining your harvest in the process? Blossom end rot can be devastating to ripening tomatoes. It first appears as a tiny, brown soft spot on the blossom end of the fruit. In the …

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Growing A Victory Garden – How To Create A Small Backyard Food Garden With Seeds!

If you are looking for a way to distance yourself from the grocery store while living a healthier lifestyle, then growing a throwback Victory food garden is the way to go! The concept of a Victory garden has been around since the First World War. It regained popularity again in the last few years with …

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How To Save Coffee Grounds – And Use Them To Fertilize Your Vegetables & Flowers This Summer!

Did you know that by saving your spent coffee grounds now, you can use them this spring and summer to help naturally power your garden and flowerbeds. Not only that, but you can use them to energize hanging baskets, perennial plants, and houseplants too!  Coffee grounds are an amazing natural resource that can be used …

Read More about How To Save Coffee Grounds – And Use Them To Fertilize Your Vegetables & Flowers This Summer!

How To Use Houseplants To Add Humidity To Your Home In Winter!

Did you know that you can use houseplants to help add humidity to your home? As amazing as it sounds, it’s true. By simply growing a few beautiful plants indoors, you can help say goodbye to the dry air of winter – and all of the issues that come along with it! There are many …

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Why To Prune Grapes In The Winter – And How To Do It With Ease!

Did you know that winter is the best time of all to prune your grapes to prepare them for an amazing summer harvest next year? One thing is for sure, whether you’re just starting out growing grape vines or already have older vines on your property, pruning is an essential part for keeping grapes healthy …

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Saving Egg Shells & Coffee Grounds – And How To Use Them To Power Plants & Soil For Free!

Did you know that saving your egg shells and used coffee grounds is one of the best ways to easily power your garden and flowerbeds next spring and summer? And even better – all for free! Many might think of egg shells and coffee grounds as just a simple byproduct of a morning breakfast. But …

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How To Save Potted Mums – 4 Simple Steps To Store Mums Indoors For The Winter!

Looking for a way to save those gorgeous and extremely expensive potted mums from your autumn displays this fall to use again next year? Mums have certainly soared in price over the past few years. And with the way prices have continued to rise, that is a trend that is likely not going to end …

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What To Do With Dying Hydrangea Blooms In The Fall

Wondering what to do this fall with all of those beautiful hydrangea blooms that are slowly dying off and drying on your bushes? Unlike the blooms of many other perennials, hydrangea blooms can be just as stunning when they are dying back as they are when they are in full, blooming color. Instead of losing …

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Planting Allium In The Fall – Grow The Most Beautiful, Unique Spring Blooming Bulbs Ever!

If you want to add some of the coolest, most unusual spring blooming bulbs to your flowerbeds, then you need to be planting allium bulbs this fall! While these unique perennials might not be as commonplace as other fall planted bulbs like tulips and daffodils, can they ever light up your landscape with some of …

Read More about Planting Allium In The Fall – Grow The Most Beautiful, Unique Spring Blooming Bulbs Ever!