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How To Fertilize Creeping Phlox In Early Spring – For Bigger & Better Flowers!

One of the best ways to get your creeping phlox to bloom bigger, brighter and better than ever is to fertilize the plants in the early spring – well before they ever begin to bud and flower!

Creeping phlox is a beautiful, low-growing perennial that carpets the ground in vibrant color every spring. When properly powered – it not only grows into a thick, healthy layer of foliage that helps suppress weeds and add big interest to flowerbeds – it also happens to produce some amazingly stunning flowers.

But when it comes to keeping your phlox lush, thriving and most importantly, blooming strong – it all comes down to fertilizing them at just the right time. And of course, with just the right nutrients!

fertilize phlox in early spring
To get your phlox blooming big – it’s all about giving them the nutrients they need early.

A well fed plant will not only put out a bigger display of flowers, but also recovers better after blooming. That, in turn ensures strong growth for the rest of the season. And even more, it allows phlox to begin to store up energy for even bigger blooms next spring.

How To Fertilize Creeping Phlox In Early Spring

Why Early Spring Fertilization Is Crucial

There are actually two separate times phlox need a boost. The first and most important time to fertilize it is in early spring, just before it begins to bud and bloom. As the plant starts waking up from dormancy, it requires extra nutrients to build strong roots, develop thick foliage, and prepare for its floral display.

Applying fertilizer at this stage gives the plant a boost of energy, encouraging it to develop more flower buds. That, of course, will result in the perennial producing a fuller, more vibrant bloom.

Early spring fertilization also promotes stronger, thicker foliage. This is important because a dense, healthy plant is more resistant to pests, weeds, and disease. Additionally, well-fed foliage helps sustain the plant after flowering, keeping it attractive long after the blooms fade.

how to fertilize creeping phlox in the spring
An early boost of fertilizer will help phlox create more buds and more blooms.

And the second time to fertilize? That should occur right after the plant finishes its bloom cycle in late spring. The second feeding helps phlox to recover – and keep its foliage strong and attractive through summer.

The Best Fertilizer For Creeping Phlox

When fertilizing creeping phlox in early spring, an all-purpose 10-10-10 granular fertilizer is the best choice. Affiliate Link: Southern Ag All Purpose Granular Fertilizer 10-10-10

Using a balanced fertilizer will provides equal amounts of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) – all of which play key roles for phlox. Nitrogen promotes lush green foliage and healthy stem growth. Getting this on early helps the plant green up and grow fast.

Phosphorous, meanwhile, supports strong root development and bud formation. Potassium not only enhances flower production, but it also increases the plant’s resistance to disease.

By using a balance, slow release 10-10-10 granular formula, it allows the plant to get the nutrients it needs without producing too much excessive leaf growth – which can come at the expense of blooms!

How To Apply Fertilizer To Creeping Phlox In Early Spring

Timing is really everything when it comes to powering up phlox for more blooms. It’s important to fertilize creeping phlox in early spring before it starts forming buds. As soon as phlox begins showing new growth, put down the granules.

This will ensure the nutrients are available when the plant needs them most. To apply, sprinkle about 1/8th of a cup of 10-10-10 granular fertilizer for every square foot of plant space.

It’s important to make sure the fertilizer granules don’t stay in contact with the plant’s foliage or stems, as this can cause burns. Lightly brush the tops of your phlox to help the granules fall to the soil. Next, water the plants and area thoroughly to help the fertilizer soak into the soil.

This will not only help to remove any granules left of the foliage, but more importantly, activate the nutrients and get them into the roots far faster.

Deadheading After Blooming To Conserve Energy

Another important task for phlox is deadheading. Removing the spent blooms of the plant at the end of the blooming cycle is critical for a couple of factors.

Once creeping phlox finishes blooming, it will naturally begin to set seeds. However, allowing the plant to produce seeds can drain its energy. Not only will it leave the plant looking less than ideal, it will also make it weaker for next year’s bloom set.

Deadheading spent blooms helps keep phlox green and lush through the summer.

To deadhead creeping phlox, use clean pruning shears or hedge shears to snip off the spent blooms as soon as they fade. Cut just above the first set of healthy leaves to keep the foliage in tact.

Continue removing any additional faded flowers as they appear. This helps redirect the plant’s energy from seed production back into root and foliage growth, making it stronger for the next season. Once all of the blooms are gone – it’s time to fertilize once more!

Post-Bloom Feeding

The second key time to fertilize creeping phlox is right after it finishes blooming. This helps the plant recover from flowering, rebuild its energy reserves, and prepare for the next year’s growth cycle.

Apply fertilizer immediately after deadheading the faded flowers. You can use the same 10-10-10 fertilizer as in the spring, and apply at the same rate. Just like in spring, be careful of leaving any fertilizer residue on the plants. Finish by watering the area well to activate the nutrients and clean off the foliage.

Do not fertilize creeping phlox again until the following spring. Over-fertilization late in the season can lead to excessive leafy growth. That over growth can also make phlox more susceptible to winter damage.

Here is to fertilizing your creeping phlox this year for maximum health – and maximum blooming! For more spring care tips, check out our article The Secret To Fertilizing Peonies – Power Up Your Peonies Before Spring Arrives!

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