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How To Make Compost Tea Fertilizer – And Use It To Power Vegetables & Flowers Naturally!

One of the easiest, best and least expensive ways to power your vegetable and flower plants is to make your own compost tea fertilizer. Not only can it be made without any special equipment, if you happen to have your own compost pile, it can also be made completely for free! Compost tea is made …

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3 Great Ways To Fertilize Tomatoes Naturally

One of the best ways to grow healthy and productive tomato plants in your garden is by powering your plants on a regular schedule – and there is no safer and better way to do that than to fertilize your tomatoes naturally! Tomato plants are heavy feeders. It takes a lot of nutrients and energy …

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How To Fertilize Tomato Plants For Success! The Simple Secrets To A Big Harvest

This week’s podcast and corresponding article are all about how to best fertilize your tomato plants, including when to fertilize, how often, and a look at some of the best fertilizing methods to use. Tomatoes are big feeders from the soil. Not only are they heavy feeders of nitrogen, but they also require potassium, phosphorous, …

Read More about How To Fertilize Tomato Plants For Success! The Simple Secrets To A Big Harvest