Did you know that how and when you plant your peppers can make a huge difference in just how quickly they begin to grow – and how big of a harvest your pepper plants produce this summer?
Whether you are growing green bell peppers, sweet peppers or spicy peppers – planting day is an important day! It sets the stage for your plants to have the nutrients and support they need right from the start. For peppers, that is incredibly important, because they happen to be one of the slowest growing vegetable plants of all in early spring.
For many gardeners, it can be quite frustrating to watch their peppers sit in the soil with little growth for most of the spring. All while their tomato, cucumber, zucchini and other vegetable plants soar with fast growth.

While it’s true that peppers take longer to set roots and grow than most other vegetable plants – the good news is that by simply helping them out on planting day with a few extra tips and tricks, you can have them growing strong and healthy – and fast!
With getting your pepper plants off to a fast start – here is a look at 4 huge tips to success!
How To Plant Peppers – Get Your Pepper Plants Growing Fast!
#1) Avoid Planting Early
One of the biggest mistakes gardeners make when planting peppers is putting their plants into the ground too early. Much like tomato plants and sweet corn, peppers are a warm weather crop. And if they go into the ground too early when the soil and air temperatures are still cool – it can spell big trouble.
When pepper plants sit in cool soil, they become more susceptible to pests, disease and mildew and mold. Roots that sit in soil that has yet to warm can’t absorb nutrients or water – which means they will simply sit stagnant and weaken.
Always allow the soil to warm to at least 65° to 70° (F) before planting. Anything cooler and the roots of your transplants will not grow and establish. If your soil is not warming fast enough, try putting some black plastic over it to help warm it up with the sun’s rays for a few days.

In addition to to the soil temperature, only plant when daytime temperatures are consistently reaching 75°(F) or higher. This is one time where patience pays off big time!
#2) Plant With Power – How To Plant Peppers To Get Them Growing Fast!
One thing is for sure – when it comes to growing a big harvest of peppers, the last thing you want to do on planting day is to simply dig a hole, plant your pepper transplant, and then cover the roots with soil.
Peppers are heavy feeders. And giving them a powerful boost of nutrients in their planting hole is one of the best ways to get them growing and off to a fast start!
When planting, dig your hole deep. A post hole digger is actually great for this. It allows you to create a 6 inch wide hole that is eight to ten inches deep with ease. Once the hole is dug, it’s time to fill it with power.
In each and ever planting hole, mix in a few cups of compost along with 1/2 cup of worm castings. Together, the two can provide easy-to-absorb nutrients to young pepper plants. Even better, they both also help to hold needed moisture near the roots of the plant.

Worm castings are the true secret ingredient here – they are absolutely incredible at feeding young plants. The make up of nutrients are ideal for vegetable plants, and their ability to absorb fast are a huge help to early growth. Affiliate Product Link: 100% Pure Organic Worm Castings Fertilizer
Last but not least, if you happen to have spent coffee grounds on hand – now is the time to use them! Just like when you plant tomato transplants mix in 1/4 to 1/2 cup of coffee grounds in every planting hole, so that you can provide much needed nitrogen to your plants to power fast growth! (See our article: 3 Must Add Ingredients To Use When Planting Tomatoes).
#3 Support Your Plants Right Away – How To Plant Peppers To Get Them Growing Fast!
Another big key to success for pepper plants is to support them early. As in the very same day you plant!
First and foremost, by giving them a little support, you can protect tender young plants from wind and strong storms. Young pepper plants can easily be broken off with hard rain or wind – and it can set their overall growth back by weeks. If bad enough, it can even wipe the plant out.

But by putting your supports in on planting day, you also eliminate the risk of harming the pepper plants roots by driving in supports later on. And when you damage the roots of a pepper plant – you also damage its health and ability to produce peppers!
#4 Mulch With Power – How To Plant Peppers To Get Them Growing Fast!
Finally, once your pepper plants are in the ground and your supports are in place – it’s time to mulch. But not just with any mulch – instead, mulch your pepper plants with power and energy!
As soon as you plant, place a few more cups of compost and 1/2 cup of worm castings right on top of the soil around the plant’s root zone. Now, every time it rains or you water, the nutrients from both will leach into the ground and into the roots of your pepper plant.
This provides energy to the plant slowly over the course of the first few weeks in the ground. Together, with the nutrients in the planting hole, your peppers have what they need for fast growth.

Once the compost and castings are in place, finish with a thick regular mulch on top. Grass clippings, straw or shredded leaves are great for this.
For best results, layer in four to six inches of mulch around each plant. This will provide insulation for the plant from wild temperature swings. Even better, it will also keep competing weeds from stealing nutrients from your pepper plants.
Here is to giving your pepper plants just what they need for a fast start. And even more – to having your best pepper harvest ever this year!
Simple Garden Life
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